The Future of Fruit®

Bringing the best of Uruguay citrus to the most demanding agricultural products customers around the world.

About us

Frutura Uruguay is a company dedicated to offer high quality citrus fruits and juices to the international market. The company grows and packages more than 1,800 hectares of mandarins, oranges and lemons grown in Uruguay's main producing regions. Frutura Uruguay has a total of 3,000 hectares for future use.


Frutura Uruguay is dedicated to growing the highest quality citrus fruits and concentrates on three main growing areas: mandarins, oranges and lemons.


Concern for the environment has long been a way of life in Uruguay, long before it became fashionable elsewhere. Uruguay is a small country with a temperate climate, unlimited water resources, proximity to ports and a unique geographical position.
which makes it optimal for agriculture.

Uruguay Natural

For us it means an awareness of the sanctity of the land and a permanent respect for the people who cultivate it.

Because agriculture is so important to Uruguay's GDP, sustainability is part of the Uruguayan culture, with an enviable 95% of Frutura Uruguay's energy coming from renewable sources.


Enrique Amorim 1655, 50000 Salto, Uruguay

Frutura Uruguay is a proud member of the Frutura family of companies, a global sales and marketing network dedicated to bringing customers the premium fruit they need, 365 days a year.

2022 Frutura.Uruguay